Sunday, 29 May 2011


Cuffs: H&M, Necklaces: Both Vintage


Keep Your Shoes Off the Furniture

Just decided to take a small break from revision (exams next week) to blog seeing as i haven't in a while.. 
The other day i was going through my closet, tidying and deciding whether some things were worth keeping, when i found this jumper i bought last year, baggy, slightly cropped and open-knit, I'm not quite sure how i managed to forget about it!
I was also rummaging around my mothers cupboards and draws and found her burberry cuff which i felt was necessary to borrow for this outfit, so nice and chunky and a nice shade of mushroomy beige.
Hope you have a productive half-term and hopefully i won't be too swamped in revision to 
have time to do another outfit post

Shirt: H&M, Jumper: Topshop, Skirt: American Apparel, Shoes: Urban Outfitters, Rings (Right to left): H&M, Topshop, H&M, Urban Outfitters, Vintage

Tuesday, 17 May 2011


Jacket: Oh My Love, Shirt: H&M, Shorts: Vintage Levis, Shoes: Urban Outfitters
Just a few little snaps in my garden, showing off my new shoes :)

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Hi everyone,
sorry AGAIN about the lack of posting, however, i just ordered these lovelies from urban outfitters, and I've wanted them since... last autumn? cant quite remember haha.
I've been doing a fair bit of internet lately, also bought some crystal necklaces from the hand made store etsy, and the shop i found (AstralEYE) is amazing, the amethyst rings.. quartz necklaces are just so pretty, literally i cannot wait for either of these to arrive :)
hope youve all had a lovely week (month?)

Shoes: Urban Outfitters, Necklaces: AstralEYE@ etsy